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Construction Paint & Pigment

Construction Paint & Pigment

Road marking paint, also known as road surface anti-skid paint, etc., is composed of base material and anti-skid aggregate. Glass beads can be sprinkled on the coating surface. The color of the coating after forming i...
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How to use soil solidify agent and the steps

How to use soil solidify agent and the steps

I.Pre-preparation   1. Determine the type of soilidify agent: Different types of soil soilidify agents have different soilidify effects and methods of use. Therefore, before construction, it is necessary to cho...
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Traffic road coating for safer tunnel access

Traffic road coating for safer tunnel access

City tunnel entrances and exits by the light changes, changes in driving speed and other factors, more likely to traffic accidents. Recently, the municipal maintenance center for the above problems on the Tongshi Road...
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The industry's first crane "five lifting", the big reveal!

The industry's first crane "five lifting", the big reveal!

Made in China's "year", the world's largest crane 5G Intelligent Park, a technical content of the top of the high-altitude show is being staged, the industry's first "five crane" shock. Thousands of pounds of force, r...
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The new building material Ultra-high-performance concrete that never cracks h...

The new building material Ultra-high-performance concrete that never cracks h...

Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is a new type of cementitious composite material developed in the last thirty years, which has ultra-high mechanical properties and durability, as well as good toughness, adhesiv...
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Concrete admixtures are indispensable for large-scale projects

Concrete admixtures are indispensable for large-scale projects

Concrete admixtures can not only improve the concrete mixing material variability, saving concrete setting time, hardening properties, but also improve the durability of concrete, indispensable in engineering and cons...
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